
The resolve function will only return the top match for a given input. However, sometimes multiple resolvers will match an input (e.g. the name resolvers), and individual resolvers can even return multiple results. The query function will return every result:

>>> cirpy.query('CCO', 'stdinchikey')
[Result(resolver='smiles', value='InChIKey=LFQSCWFLJHTTHZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N'), Result(input='CCO', resolver='name_by_cir', value='InChIKey=BGDMJXZYDKFEGJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N')]

As with the resolve function, it is possible to specify which resolvers are used:

>>> cirpy.query('2,4,6-trinitrotoluene', 'formula', ['name_by_opsin','name_by_cir'])
[Result(resolver='name_by_opsin', value='C7H5N3O6'), Result(resolver='name_by_cir', value='C7H5N3O6')]


The query function results a list of Result objects. Each Result has a value attribute that corresponds to what the resolve function would return:

>>> results = cirpy.query('2,4,6-trinitrotoluene', 'formula')
>>> results[0]
Result(resolver='name_by_opsin', value='C7H5N3O6')
>>> results[0].value

Each Result also has input, representation, resolver, input_format and notation attributes. See the full API documentation for information on these attributes.